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Faculty & Staff

Professor and Student

How can the Access and Success office help you? 

  • Consultation and awareness training for disability-related issues.
  • Assistance in working with individual students with disabilities to facilitate a positive working relationship.
  • Verification of a student's disability for the purpose of determining such things as scholarship.
  • Eligibility and accommodations requests.
  • Coordination of academic accommodations such as note taking, scribes, readers, proctors and distraction free space.
  • Faculty Guide

Faculty and Staff Rights

  1. To require that students with disabilities submit a completed Request for Academic Accommodation form, provided by Access and Success.
  2. To provide academic accommodations to students with disabilities without requiring a signed A&S Request for Academic Accommodations form.
  3. To require students with disabilities to meet all programs/course requirements and standards.
  4. To consult with the students and/or Access and Success if he/she feels that requested accommodations are not appropriate for a particular course or situation.
  5. To provide input on how authorized accommodations will be provided in a particular course.
  6. To require that students engage in appropriate, non-distruptive behavior in the classroom and to take action to remove a student who is disruptive.
  7. To require that students follow University/department policies and procedures.

Faculty and Staff Responsibilities

  1. To provide students with disabilities full and equal access to participate in Drake's programs and activities.
  2. To make sure students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations are aware of services available from A&S.
  3. To cooperate with the qualified student and Access and Success in providing authorized accommodations in a fair and timely manner.
  4. To provide authorized accommodations as long as the accommodation does not alter the fundamental nature of the course or program.
  5. To contact the student or Access and Success with questions or problems regarding requested accommodations.
  6. To be informed of the academic and programmatic standards established by the department and to make these available in written and alternative format.
  7. To provide department and course materials in alternate format (large print, provide content electronically via email) when requested.

* In accordance with the ADA, faculty do not have the right to question whether a disability exists or examine a student's disability documentation when the disability has been adequately documented and is on file with Access and Success. The signature of Access and Success personnel on the accommodation request form will act as assurance that the student has provided adequate documentation of the disability and requested accommodations.

Procedures for Instructors Regarding Academic Requests

At times you will be asked to provide or arrange for academic accommodations for a student in your class who has a documented disability and is registered with the Office of Access and Success. The accommodation request(s) listed on the Student Academic Accommodation Request form has (have) been determined to be appropriate in a meeting between the student and their Access and Success Coordinator. The procedure for processing these requests is as follows:

  1. Review the form with the student and discuss the specifics of each accommodation request. These forms will now be sent through Starfish. Be sure to ask any questions and express any concerns at that time so as to ensure mutual understanding and to establish a good working relationship.
  2. If you agree to provide or arrange for the accommodations as requested, please respond to the email in Starfish so we have confirmation of approval.
  3. If you have questions or concerns that the student is unable to answer, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Access and Success for consultation or clarification. In order to expedite the process and avoid delay in the provision of reasonable accommodations to the student, this contact must be made within 48 business hours of the initial meeting with the student.
  4. If you are concerned that any of the requests may fundamentally alter your course requirements or otherwise compromise the integrity of your course, you may discuss alternative solutions with the student. If you are unable to come to an agreement, contact the Office of Access and Success to discuss adequate solutions for the situation.
  5. If an agreement cannot be reached either student or faculty member may use the Grievance Process to obtain a final decision and recommendation for action.

As you know, the University is legally required to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, and the accommodations must be made on a case-by-case basis. Thank you for your assistance in this process.

Recruiting Supplemental Note Takers

Occasionally, you will be asked to arrange for supplemental notes for a student in your class who has a documented disability and is registered with the Office of Access and Success. The most efficient way to provide notes is to recruit a supplemental note taker through an in-class announcement. Please follow these guidelines when making these arrangements.

  1. During the first class period, announce to the class that a supplemental note taker is needed for a student with a disability. Due to confidentiality, it is imperative that you do not mention the student's name.
  2. After class, gather email addresses of the volunteers and give the information to the student with a disability. The student with a disability is then responsible for contacting the volunteer to arrange for an exchange of notes. (If there are no volunteers, please contact the Office of Access and Success for assistance.)
  3. If any problems arise or no one volunteers, direct the student and volunteer to contact the Office of Access and Success at 271-1835.

Examples of Possible Announcements

"There is a student in this class who is in need of supplemental notes. If you are interested in volunteering, please see me at the front (back) of the room directly after class. Special carbonless paper is available to you if you are interested. Thank you for your assistance."

If no one volunteers:

"During the last class period I announced that we are in need of a volunteer note taker. Once again, I ask that you see me after class if you are interested in volunteering. Thank you again."

Procedures for Exam Accommodations

Exam Accommodations

What are my responsibilities as a faculty member?

To work with the student initially in providing exam accommodations. If unable to provide the exam accommodations, please work with the Access and Success office in coordination. Please see “ Procedures for Exam Accommodations” 

Documentation Guidelines

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025
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