A student may submit a request to be withdrawn from the University at any time during a semester, up to and including the last day of class through Self Service. The withdrawal request should provide the reason for the withdrawal, which will be reviewed by the Dean of the college or school in which the student is enrolled.
A request for withdrawal is NOT a drop/add procedure but a request to be dropped from ALL courses for the current or future term. This includes dropping the last (or only) class.
This is a one-stop notification mechanism for the student. A withdrawal request is automatically sent to the appropriate Dean’s office as well as Student Accounts, the Office of the Registrar, the Financial Aid Office, Residence Life, Athletics, International Programs, and other pertinent offices. For questions, see Complete Withdrawal FAQS below.
Access the withdrawal request form in Self Service.
Log into myDrake.
Click the Self Service icon under Commonly Used Apps. A new window opens.
On the Registration card, click the Leave or Withdrawal Request Form link.
Follow the directions on the pages the follow and submit the form electronically.
Upon approval by the school or college, the following actions, if applicable, will be performed by the University to complete the Withdrawal process:
Students who reside in a Drake Residence Hall should plan to move from the hall within 48 hours following the complete withdrawal from all classes. Extensions to this move out time frame must be approved in advance by the Office of Residence Life. A final statement from Student Accounts will not be available until Residence Hall Checkout is complete and a housing cancellation form has been submitted. Questions or concerns about checking out following a complete withdrawal should be directed to the Residence Life Office in the lower level of Olmsted (515-271-3781).
A final statement from Student Accounts will not be available until the student’s meal plan has been adjusted by Sodexo Dining Services. Sodexo Dining Services is located in the lower level of Olmsted and may be contacted at dining@victorybreastimaging.com or 515-271-3175 if you have questions.
Withdrawing from the University has financial aid implications. Financial aid may need to be adjusted or funds may need to be returned. The Financial Aid Office is located on the main level of Carnegie Hall and may be contacted at financialaid@victorybreastimaging.com or 515-271-2905.
A final statement from Student Accounts will be available after all necessary adjustments (student account, financial aid, residence hall, and meal plan) have been received and reviewed. Student Accounts is located in the main level of Carnegie Hall and may be contacted at stuacct@victorybreastimaging.com or 515-271-4777.
Drake University salutes students who are called to military active duty for their commitment to serve our nation. We recognize that students may be called to service during a semester for which they are registered. To that end, we strive to make this transition as smooth as possible.
For the purposes of this policy, Drake University recognizes both federal and state calls-to-service. This policy also applies to a student who is the spouse of the individual called up when the student or spouse has a dependent child.
When contemplating a withdrawal from the university due to being called to active duty, students should consult their academic advisor and instructors to consider the time and/or coursework remaining in the term.
Students who wish to withdraw from some or all of their classes must contact the Office of the Registrar to provide a copy of military orders verifying “called to active duty” status. The Office of the Registrar also can provide the student additional information about specific procedures relating to their withdrawal and identify next steps for the student.
Students may pursue the following options:
If the withdrawal occurs after the drop deadline as described in the official catalog, students will receive a “W” for courses from which they withdraw.
Courses for which the student receives a grade, including a grade of incomplete, will have applicable tuition and fees assigned. Courses from which the student withdraws will result in a refund of tuition and fees to the student’s account.
Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Accounts, the Financial Aid Office, and Drake’s certifying official for veterans’ benefits. In particular, there may be federal or state rules and requirements that are not under the control of Drake University and must be strictly administered.
Dropping your only class or all of your classes is considered withdrawing for the term in question and should be processed as such. Submitting a Withdrawal Request ensures that all appropriate offices are notified of your decision.
The best place to start is with your Dean’s Office. If you do not belong to a college, begin with the Office of the Registrar at registrar@victorybreastimaging.com.
The deactivation of a student’s Drake ID Card is effective once the withdrawal request has been fully processed by the Office of the Registrar. This could be within the same day the request is made. Students will lose access and privileges that are tied to their ID Card such as access to residences halls, dining halls, Bell Center, printing, entering restricted areas, or unlocking doors after hours. A student’s Drake email access ceases one year after the end of the term for which they were last enrolled.
Contact your Dean’s Office.